Best Trifecta Strategy

Best Trifecta Strategy Average ratng: 5,8/10 9035 votes

What is a Trifecta? Tricast? Tierce? Triactor?

It means: betting the correct order of the first three horses, (dogs) over the line at the end of a race.

The three different names are all the same thing. It's just that different countries have different names.

So where we use the word trifecta, please take it as the name used in your country.

OK, now we are all on the same page so let's get on with it.

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Trifecta Bettors are faced with 3 main problems, when sorting out their bets.

1 Identifying which specific horses have the best chances of winning, which have the best chances of running 2nd and 3rd.

2 Deciding which horses to drop from the trifecta bet and yet still keep the likely place-getters so as to help minimize costs.

3 Keeping ALL of our preferred horses to fill the places, whilst also avoiding the normally high cost of such a trifecta bet.

This ebook help solve ALL these problems, plus much more!

With over 20 Trifecta Strategies presented in the ebook, you will truly get excited.

If you can watch the racing, the Watch 'n' Wait method, will suit you.

If you cannot watch races, due to things beyond your control or because of different time-zones, then the Bet 'n' Forget method is for you.

So whether you bet in your own back yard, or overseas, International Trifecta Betting will be for you!!

Most people are not aware of the Hamburger Bet option.

Once you read Chapter 6, you will never be the same, in your trifecta betting approach!!

Why should you buy this comprehensive ebook?

To explain exactly why, here's an excerpt from page 7 of the 96 page ebook:

Statistical Foundations For Successful Trifecta Betting

Statisticsare important for trifecta betting. Don’t believe me? Or you consider that to be some sort of bad news?

When was the last time you heard of an insurance company going bankrupt? Rarely happens.

The insurance industry is entirely built on statistics. By using statistics actuaries perform the vital calculations to let an insurance company manage their exposure to risk.
This is done by assessing the probabilities of certain adverse events occurring. And your insurance premiums are set accordingly.

So if it’s good enough for such a successful industry to treat statistics seriously, then so should we as trifecta bettors. After all, we’re also in the business of risk management.

What You Will Learn

In this groundbreaking book you will learn a range of trifecta betting strategies and techniques:

  • that include some unique and original methods found only in this book

  • that are based on very sound, underlying statistics (clearly displayed and briefly explained in easy-to-understand English)

  • that pinpoint the horses with the best chance of winning the trifecta for you

  • that discard the horses with the least chance of placing

  • that can be applied anywhere that bookmakers or totalizers accept trifecta bets

  • that are logically structured

  • that are easily applied wherever you live

  • that are relevant to all horse races worldwide

  • that are radically different to conventional methods

  • that are widely unknown (that gives you a definite edge)

  • that use FREE, easy-to-obtain, online information (necessary links are listed)

  • that are guaranteed to slash your trifecta betting costs

You will learn to use these strategies to minimize your outlays so as to maximize your returns – you’ll learn to earn more for less, in other words!

Legally Plunder International Pools

Regardless of where you live, you will learn how toaccess international trifecta pools to legally siphon enough winnings to fill your pockets to overflowing.

Is that statement hyperbole? Pure hype? No. It’s not.

Why not?

Becauseyou will learn how, and where, you can to bet directly into the world’s major trifecta pools.

International betting agencies have been carefully researched and listed for you to use your new trifecta knowledge and skills right from day one.

From the comfort of your home and using the Internet (with broadband or dialup) you will then be able to bet directly into the betting world’s trifecta pools in:

  • Australia

  • USA

  • Britain

  • New Zealand

  • Singapore

  • Hong Kong

  • South Africa

(Surely seven are enough for anyone! )

The Book’s Focus

The book deliberately focuses on Australian races as a teaching tool for four very good reasons.

Firstly – and very importantly – Australian totes and some bookmakers offer a very specialised betting option that slashes trifecta outlays. (See Chapter 6.)

And that option is available to most overseas customers – yes, YOU as well!

Secondly: I know about, and bet on, Australian races myself. So I have vital and relevant “insider knowledge”.

Thirdly: There are a great number of FREE form guides and other free online resources to help punters on Australian horse races. In some countries such information is not always free, nor as detailed.

Fourthly: All the strategies in the book have universal application. That’s because the market forces that help determine the runners’ prices and odds are similar worldwide.

US Readers

You’ll be well aware of state and federal government restrictions on your online betting, both for domestic as well as overseas racing markets.

No doubt you’re as bemused as I am that many US citizens can legally run around with lethal firearms, but they apparently need to be protected from online betting dangers. (The lunatics are definitely running the asylum, it seems…)

But for you US readers there is VERY good news indeed! It’s this:

This book will show you where you can legally bet online,
so as to use its trifecta methods and strategies
to tap into huge, trifecta pools

And, with just one extra step added to each trifecta strategy, you too will be able to fully exploit the massive money-saving betting strategy explained in Chapter 6.

Yes, the one that other international punters already enjoy legally.

Instead of betting for the cost of a hamburger, US readers of this book might need to bet the cost of two hamburgers instead. Nothing to stress over because you’ll still save a fortune on betting costs!

And the flip-side is that your profits will be a heck-of-a lot more than they would otherwise be! (You’ll see what I mean when you read Chapter 6.)

You too will be able to test your strategies to find your niche.

You too can start with a small amount of capital. As low as, say, $200, or whatever you can afford. And it will steadily increase with your profits.

[End of excerpt]

I have copied the above excerpt from the ebook, as I feel it fully highlights the benefits of what is covered.

Now let us look inside the front cover...The Contents of this comprehensive and unique trifecta resource book will give you an idea of the wide range and scope of topics covered:

PREFACE................................................................... 4
DISCLAIMER............................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION......................................................... 6
The Book's Benefits For You........................................... 7
Statistical Foundations For Successful Trifecta Betting........ 7
What You Will Learn..................................................... 8
Legally Plunder International Pools..................................8
The Book's Focus...........................................................9
Terms And Expressions Used......................................... 10


Favouritism Based On Australian Starting Prices................ 12
Trifecta Strategies For Order Of Favouritism...................... 14
Specific Examples For These Strategies .............................17
Favouritism Versus Number Of Runners............................ 22

Trifectas Using Pre-Post Position.............................................. 23
Let's Filter The Favourites....................................................... 25

Prepost Price Strategies...................................................... 27

Trifectas Based On Close To Starting Price.......................... 28
Weekday Country And Provincial Races:............................ 28
Major Metropolitan Races On Saturdays ............................28

Overview Of Strategies.................................................. 30
Australian Website For API And Place Percentages............. 30
Strategies For API And Place Percentages........................... 33
US API And Place Percentage Information.......................... 37

Advantages Of Flexibetting ............................................39
Betting-Capital Management............................................ 39
Flexibetting Internationally.............................................. 40

Niches And Statistics.................................................. 44
Other Niches To Consider............................................ 45

DIY Handicapping ......................................................51
DIY Standouts For UK Races....................................... 53
Selection Services ......................................................55
Software To Help Select Standouts.............................. 59

Calculating Trifecta Odds........................................... 62
Calculating Trifecta Combinations................................ 62
Predicting Trifecta Dividends....................................... 63

Overcoming Time Zone Problems................................. 67
International Agencies For Trifecta Betting..................... 67
International Totes For Trifecta Betting........................... 69
International Form Guides & Resources........................... 70
Online Form Guides ......................................................70
Other International Resources........................................ 72

Identify False Favourites............................................... 73
Australian Racing Software, Information And Statistics...... 73
USA Online Wagering.................................................... 74
Find Your Niche(s) In US Racing .....................................74
Useful References And Book List...................................... 75

Treat Each Race As A Mini-Lottery.................................. 76
Remote Viewing ..........................................................77

What Is The Race Favourite?......................................... 78
What Is A False Favourite?............................................ 78
Comparisons Of International Favourites........................ 80

What Is The Prepost/Morningline Price?........................ 83
Prepost: Australia & New Zealand.................................83
Morningline: USA & Canada........................................ 84

Where Can I Find Prepost Prices?................................ 85

Top-Ranked API Horses............................................. 90
Favourite By API......................................................... 91
API And Place Percentage Rankings.............................. 91


Definitely something there for everyone, no matter what their level of experience!

Our Results

We have deliberately decided not to publish our results for one very good reason – we do NOT want to mislead you.

You see, bet a fiver to win at 2/1 and you know exactly how much you’ll win.

But trifecta dividends (payouts) are unpredictable.

That’s because the money in the trifecta pool is divided amongst the number of winning ticket-holders. And that number is never known in advance.

You could pick the three place getters for Race A. The pool is, say, 100,000 and there were, say, 1000 winning punters. They each receive a dividend of 100 for the trifecta.

Another day, another race might throw up three place getters with similar odds to those in Race A -- unusual but it happens.

However, although the pool was only 30,000, there were only 100 winning punters. Their dividend, therefore, is 300!

You see? Unpredictable…

Your Results

It’s much better for you if the focus here is on other buyers’ results, rather than on the seller’s results.

As we both know, there are numerous product sellers ‘out there’ who lie about their results just to sell a product.

Well, we don’t want to be tarred with that brush, and ruin the good reputation we have worked so hard to achieve.

We have, therefore, decided to offer International Trifecta Betting for a very low, introductory price.

This is to encourage you to email us about your trifecta wins and profits so we can share that information for others to see.

Eventually, we will charge the full price, of course. But all that means that right now is a ground-floor opportunity.

Now is a very good time to test and find the profitable strategies that best suit you. The book is packed with them.

And using Chapter 6 you can try them all out for an extremely low cost per race.

Then go and extract your profits from all those international trifecta pools. And don’t forget to tell us about your successes!

Your Trifecta Betting Edge

We confidently claim there is no other publication like International Trifecta Betting for sale on the internet or offline.

Therefore, because this valuable and comprehensive resource book is not available anywhere else, it immediately gives you on-going advantage and edge in what we regard as The Last Largely Unexplored Frontier of profitable betting.

Your Investment Is Protected

Protection is ensured in three ways:

  • We are the exclusive agents for this publication. So there will never be thousands of other copies floating around for every man and his dog.
  • We have gone to considerable lengths and expense to ensure nobody will be able to copy or sell pirate copies of your International Trifecta Betting anywhere else.
  • After your payment is received just you will have exclusive protected, online access to your copy 24/7 any day of the year. Also if new information becomes available we can update the manual and you will have it instantly -- no need to download updates.


Q: How do I use this ebook?

A: Basically just follow these four easy steps:

  • Read the ebook and select the trifecta strategies that appeal to you.

  • Flip back to Chapter 6 to remind yourself how you can try out those trifecta strategies for as little as the cost of a hamburger per race.

  • Then, using the strategies suit you the best, launch your trifecta campaign on your home totalisers and bookmakers.

  • And launch your international trifecta campaign on some of the overseas totalisers and bookmakers listed in International Trifecta Betting.

Q: What about the different time zones? I don’t want to have to be up half the night or at the crack of dawn!

A: Not a problem. You won’t.

Some of the strategies are bet‘n‘forget. They are ideal when you have an interest in races being run outside your time zone. Bets can be placed in advance, well before the race begins.

Other strategies are watch‘n’wait. They are ideal when you have an interest in races being run in your time zone.

And you can mix’n’match either approach, of course, to suit yourself.

Q: If too many people buy International Trifecta Betting won’t that dilute our returns?

A: No, for several reasons.

  • Realistically, sales of International Trifecta Betting are likely to be in the hundreds rather than thousands. So that’s a natural restriction.

  • Because of time-zone differences it’s unlikely we are all going to be betting at the same tracks, on the same races, using an identical strategy -- all at the same time.

  • “Product jumpers” are punters who buy a betting product and then either fail to use it, or use it for a short time before moving on to the “next best thing”. They seem to be searching for certainties that simply don’t exist!

  • So even fewer using the ebook means more payouts for us!

Q: Why should I buy this ebook? Isn’t the information generally available?

A: No, it’s definitely not! It was for that very reason we have written International Trifecta Betting.

We have brought together in a one-stop-shop a whole range of strategies, links and statistics that make this ebook a unique and valuable resource.

The essential statistics that underpin several of the ebook’s strategies were particularly difficult to track down.

That’s because collecting race-data over a long period of time and for thousands of races is very labour-intensive. Few punters can be bothered to do it. So the information is very patchy, limited and very hard to find.

And then analysing that data to pinpoint patterns, and presenting those analyses all require a very high level of mathematics and statistical knowledge -- even fewer punters have that specialised knowledge.

So, for all these reasons, relevant statistics we can use in trifecta betting

  • are as rare as hens’ teeth

  • tend to be jealously guarded and generally unavailable to the punting public

  • can be extremely expensive to buy even if they are made available

By buying International Trifecta Betting you will have access to a valuable repository of trifecta knowledge that will stand you in good stead for many years to come.

It will allow you to regularly access the potential profits offered by international trifecta betting pools…all from the comfort of your home.

Q: Can I print the information out and read it in hard copy?

A: No, sorry. We use a special format to stop the pirates ripping it off and selling it on eBay for a tenner, or on a file sharing site enabling 100,000 copies download for free.

We think that we all need that protection. After all, you have paid for it. It is you we are also protecting by keeping the valuable information limited to only those who have also paid for it.

From a sneak peek, Peter Kaye from Racerate comments below.

If you are also interested we have compiled a list of the best books on the market that deal with betting and betting strategies. Here are 5 horse-betting strategies that will surely benefit you in the market. This is a very simple strategy that we have to get out of the way. It’s one of the best ways to win big without putting a lot of money at risk. A typical trifecta costs just $2, and the returns can be enormous. When longshot Giacomo won the 2005 Kentucky Derby, for example, the trifecta payout was an incredible $133,134.80. There aren’t many other ways to win that kind of money from such a small stake.

Best category bonuses go to the American Express Trifecta. The combination of The Platinum Card, Gold Card, and Blue Business Plus provide an incredibly well-rounded earning trio. The cards in the Amex Trifecta seem to complement each other, while some of the other trifectas have more overlap. The trifecta also includes the.

Best Racing Betting Systems, Formula & Strategies to Profit. Learn how to bet on Racing & Conquer Advanced Racing Betting Tips & Strategies. Horse Racing: Trifecta Betting. March 25, 2020 by Brian Healy. Our guy Brian Healy furthers our knowledge on Horse Racing wagering by breaking down Trifecta betting! A horse racing trifecta is an exotic wager on which horses will finish in the first three positions in a race. To win a trifecta, you have to pick the right three horses and also their exact finishing positions. If you don’t get all three horses correct or if you get the finishing order wrong, you win nothing.

'This body of work on trifectas will appeal to, and should be a useful tool, for new or seasoned trifecta players.
The fourth chapter which looks at trifectas based on “almost starting prices” was most interesting and we have been doing further study and research on this area since reading an advance copy.
Very well-reasoned piece of work.”

Peter Kaye

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Steve Davidson

The trifecta is one of the most popular online betting choices among horseplayers, and for good reason. A small investment can turn into a generous windfall if you can correctly pick the exact running order of the top three finishers in a horse race. However, being a consistent winner in horse race trifecta betting takes smarts, handicapping prowess, and a little luck does not hurt either.

Trifecta bets can be broken down into several key elements:

• Handicapping a horse race and coming up with the major contenders in a race.
• Finding a horse race in which at least one or two of the top three betting favorites looks vulnerable.
• Laying out the trifecta tickets to maximize profits and coverage.

*Below are a few horse racing trifecta betting tips to keep in mind when heading to the betting window

Selecting the Race

In general, do not wager on races in which there are six runners or less, or in a race where you think the top two betting choices are going to complete the exacta. Even if you land a longshot in the third slot, the trifecta seldom will come back with a good payoff, and in the long run is not a good bet.

The best races to attack when doing trifectas is when you can find a race in which one or two of the top betting choices look weak, and in a large field where there are several live longshots that can land in the money.

Laying Out Your Ticket

The biggest mistakes is how tickets are played. Many horseplayers will narrow the field down to three or four horses, and just box the contenders.


Here is a look at the costs for boxing:

$1 trifecta box using 3 horses = $6
$1 trifecta box using 4 horses = $24
$1 trifecta box using 5 horses = $60
$1 trifecta box using 6 horses = $120

Using a box strategy is fine if you actually think each horse on your ticket has an equal chance of winning, but that is seldom the case. A better strategy is to find one or two key horses that have the best chance to win, then more of your bankroll can be devoted to the second and third slots, which are generally trickier to fill.

Instead of just boxing your top four selections for a $24 investment, you could lay out the ticket like this:

  • 1,2 over 1,2,3,4 over 1,2,3,4,5,6 = $24

A $60 ticket could look like this:

  • 1,2,3 over 1,2,3,4,5 over 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 = $60

Most horseplayers find it easier to pick a winner than it is to find the horse that is going to land home third, and by spreading out on the bottom end of the ticket, you just might land a few longshots that complete a hefty trifecta payoff.

The 50-Cent Trifecta

Some tracks are now taking 50-cent trifectas, which give horseplayers added options.

With 50-cent tickets now available in online horse trifecta betting, even horseplayers with a limited bankroll can cover more options. The two examples of our trifecta keys above would be half the price, $12 and $30.

Of course, the payoff if you hit the trifecta would be half. However, with the money saved by halving the ticket, an astute horseplayer could play extra tickets with key horses.

For example the 1,2 over 1,2,3,4 over 1,2,3,4,5,6 for $12 could be supplemented with additional tickets.

For instance the following 50-cent tickets:
1 over 2 over 3,4,5,6,7,8 = $3
1 over 2,3 over 2,3,4,5 = $3
1 over 2,3,4 over 2,3,4 = $3
2 over 1,3 over 1,3,4,5 = $3

If your two key horses finish in the first and second spot, you are lined up to hit the trifecta multiple times. The key to successful trifecta wagering is to structure your tickets according to what you think the probabilities of the outcome are going to be.

You will save money by structuring your horse race trifecta betting tickets in this manner. While you may cash fewer tickets than using a boxing method, in the long run your return on investment will be higher. In addition, having multiple tickets with your key horse in the top spot could lead to higher payoffs.

Best Trifecta Strategies

These are just a couple of horse racing trifecta betting strategies that can make your online horse wagering more enjoyable and profitable.